Our Strategies

Our four strategies are designed to meet the needs of most UK-based investors. They are mapped to a number of risk profiles commonly used by financial advisers in the UK. On the simple scale below, ‘one’ is low risk, low return and ‘five’ is high risk, high return.

Our portfolios are actively managed in response to markets. There will be points in the cycle when we feel confident and are keen to make hay while the sun is shining. There will be times when we are more defensively positioned. Advisers do not need to worry about switching clients from portfolio to portfolio depending on the market cycle.


Aims to achieve a nominal total return greater than cash over five years or longer

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Annualised returns (net of fees)
Since inception (30 September 2010 to 30 September 2024)


Conservative Strategy TR GBP


UK CPI Inflation


Peer Group: ARC Cautious PCI TR GBP

Risk budget


Risk assets


Stabilising assets

Can tactically adjust weighting to growth assets, for short periods, not to exceed 40%.

Suitable for:

Investor with a five-year time horizon looking to enhance the return available from cash deposits and fixed interest securities but with low capacity for loss.

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Annual performance to last quarter end


FromSep 2023Sep 2022Sep 2021Sep 2020Sep 2019
ToSep 2024Sep 2023Sep 2022Sep 2021Sep 2020
Conservative Strategy TR GBP6.68%2.13%-4.49%1.30%-0.75%
ARC Cautious PCI TR GBP7.83%2.38%-8.07%6.33%1.52%

As of: 30 September 2024

Source: Tacit Investment Management; Morningstar Direct. Strategy performance is shown in GBP, net of management fees of 0.55% and calculated on a total return basis, with net income reinvested. Benchmark performance is shown in GBP, with all income reinvested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of investments can fall. Investors may not get back the amount invested. Income from investments may vary and is not guaranteed.


Any words of warning?

This strategy should not be seen as a substitute for cash as it does carry investment risk. If inflation outpaces interest rates then this portfolio may meet its objective of beating cash but still make a loss in real terms.

Real Return

Aims to maintain the capital value of the portfolio in real terms over an investment cycle

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Annualised returns (net of fees)
Since inception (30 September 2010 to 30 September 2024)


Real Return Strategy TR GBP


UK CPI Inflation +1%


Peer Group: ARC Balanced Asset PCI TR GBP

Risk budget


Risk assets


Stabilising assets

Can tactically adjust weighting to growth assets, for short periods, not to exceed 65%.

Suitable for:

Investor with a time horizon of more than five years looking to achieve an inflation-beating total return in their portfolio.

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Annual performance to last quarter end


FromSep 2023Sep 2022Sep 2021Sep 2020Sep 2019
ToSep 2024Sep 2023Sep 2022Sep 2021Sep 2020
Real Return Strategy TR GBP11.04%4.71%-4.51%6.73%-5.91%
ARC Balanced Asset PCI TR GBP10.87%3.30%-9.11%10.93%0.51%

As of: 30 September 2024

Source: Tacit Investment Management; Morningstar Direct. Strategy performance is shown in GBP, net of management fees of 0.55% and calculated on a total return basis, with net income reinvested. Benchmark performance is shown in GBP, with all income reinvested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of investments can fall. Investors may not get back the amount invested. Income from investments may vary and is not guaranteed.

Any words of warning?

We are in a period of higher inflation and low interest rates. To achieve the client’s objective, we have to use a reasonable amount of risk budget, which means capital losses can be experienced, particularly over short periods.

Steady Growth

Aims to grow the capital value of the portfolio

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  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Annualised returns (net of fees)
Since inception (30 September 2010 to 30 September 2024


Steady Growth Strategy TR GBP


UK CPI Inflation +2%


Peer Group: ARC Steady Growth PCI TR GBP

Risk budget


Risk assets


Stabilising assets

Can tactically adjust weighting to growth assets, for short periods, not to exceed 85%.

Suitable for:

Investor with a time horizon of more than seven years who is looking for capital growth (above inflation) but who cannot tolerate the drawdowns experienced by investing in equities alone.

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Annual performance to last quarter end


FromSep 2023Sep 2022Sep 2021Sep 2020Sep 2019
ToSep 2024Sep 2023Sep 2022Sep 2021Sep 2020
Steady Growth TR GBP12.93%6.48%-7.97%13.62%-4.95%
ARC Steady Growth PCI TR GBP12.84%4.56%-10.12%15.04%-0.16%

As of: 30 September 2024

Source: Tacit Investment Management; Morningstar Direct. Strategy performance is shown in GBP, net of management fees of 0.55% and calculated on a total return basis, with net income reinvested. Benchmark performance is shown in GBP, with all income reinvested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of investments can fall. Investors may not get back the amount invested. Income from investments may vary and is not guaranteed.

Any words of warning?

Clients are much more dependent on equity markets in this portfolio. This should enhance returns but can mean volatility on a day-to-day basis and clients need to be comfortable with this.

Total Return

Aims to optimise the capital value of the portfolio

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Annualised returns (net of fees)
Since inception (30 September 2010 to 30 September 2024)


Total Return Strategy TR GBP


UK CPI Inflation +3%


Peer Group: ARC Equity Risk PCI TR GBP

Risk budget


Risk assets


Stabilising assets

Can tactically adjust weighting to stabiliser assets, for short periods, not to exceed 15%.

Suitable for:

Client with a time horizon of more than seven years and a high tolerance for risk who can accept significant variation in capital values in pursuit of the long-term objective of maximising returns. This client is typically in the accumulation phase of life.

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Annual performance to last quarter end


FromSep 2023Sep 2022Sep 2021Sep 2020Sep 2019
ToSep 2024Sep 2023Sep 2022Sep 2021Sep 2020
Total Return Strategy TR GBP16.02%7.82%-9.98%21.33%-0.36%
ARC Equity Risk PCI TR GBP14.63%5.53%-11.39%19.42%-0.25%

As of: 30 September 2024

Source: Tacit Investment Management; Morningstar Direct. Strategy performance is shown in GBP, net of management fees of 0.55% and calculated on a total return basis, with net income reinvested. Benchmark performance is shown in GBP, with all income reinvested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of investments can fall. Investors may not get back the amount invested. Income from investments may vary and is not guaranteed.

Any words of warning?

Equity markets can fall and there will be volatility with this portfolio.

Our investment approach

We believe our process and our strategies can meet the core needs of most of your clients.

An experienced team

Not much to look at, we know, but decades of experience managing investments institutionally.